Ground Source Heat pump boreholes

Boreholes are the only option for ground collectors if space is limited.

Our very experience drilling team will drill the required depths based on a detailed specification and design. They complete works with very compact drilling equipment so access is rarely a problem. If there is any doubt of ground type, we undertake a thermogeological survey to confirm the number and depths of boreholes for your project, so you can be confident that the boreholes will deliver the heat required for your home.

Depending on the ground type ground source heat pump boreholes often extract between 35 – 50 Watts per meter, making this a very efficient option.

The Drilling Process


It is crucial at the design stage to:

  • Ensure correct spacing between boreholes
  • Determine the run hours of the heat pump or otherwise known FLEQ hours
  • Ensure all collectors are active where possible 
  • Ensure a good depth borehole to manifold

Step 1

Borehole drilling, installation of collector/pipework and back-filling

Step 2

Trench work to the subterranean manifold chamber

Step 3

Fusion welding and installation of pipework

Step 4

Trench work from the manifold to the plant room

Step 5

Pipework from the manifold to the plant room

Step 6

Fill pipework with water and anti-freeze solution

Step 7
Ground Source Heat Pump Boreholes Cornwall

contact us

Drop us a quick message here and we will get back to you as soon as possible

Harvest Cornwall Ltd, Unit 6 Darbari Building,
Prow Park,Newquay,TR7 2SX

01637 808244 / 01637 854997